Frankincense- the perfect Spring Essential Oil


Frankincense is one of the best Essential oils for general skin benefits and Mood enhancement.

In ancient Egypt it was used in rejuvenating face masks as well as in perfumes due to its distinct & rich aroma.

It is anti-inflammatory, which means it’s great for easing pesky rashes and insect bites. Being anti-septic, it’s also perfect for treating cuts, grazes and scratches while outdoors during the Spring & Summer months.

Please follow this link to read more about Frankincense- and to order Eveksia products that contain Frankincense!

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Try my products for free!


I am looking for reviews on a number of my products to go on my website. I am offering a free sample to anyone who would like to try one in return for a short paragraph about your experience of the product; the aroma, the feel on the skin, its ‘mood-food’ effects and of course how good it is at tackling any skin issues. Here is the list. Please leave a comment about which you would like and I will get back to you. Thank you!

Lemongrass & Peppermint Cleanser for tired skin…/lemon-lemongr…

Lemon, Jasmine & Galbanum Cleanser for problem skin…/lemon-jasmine…

Lemon, Cedarwood & Bergamot Cleanser for deep detox…/lemon-cedarwo…

Lemon & Lavender Cleanser for dry skin…/lemon-facial-…

Lemon & Tea Tree Cleanser for Oily skin…/lemon-facial-…

Cedarwood & Bergamot Moisturiser for deep detox…/cedarwood-ber…

Lemongrass & Peppermint Moisturiser for tired skin…/lemongrass-pe…

Vetiver & Ylang Ylang moisturiser for acne & eczema…/vetiver-ylang…

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Introduction to my Eveksia Skin Care Products~ Part 1: Geranium & Bergamot Night Cream (with Harmonising Mood Food Blend)


This series of Blogs will talk about my products one-by-one- giving you a deep insight into what ingredients I use, why I use them, and what they do for your skin and mood.

Geranium & Bergamot’s base recipe contains Organic Oils of Coconut, Safflower, Jojoba, Sunflower and Rose hip which are known to offer long-lasting holistic health benefits including skin cell repair, wrinkle reduction, easing of inflammations & irritations, deep hydration and the removal of toxins.

The Essential Oil fusion deeply hydrates dry skin while refreshing, toning and encouraging elasticity. Bergamot is renowned for increasing blood circulation to the skin and Geranium is known for easing the signs of wrinkles and ageing. Lavender is very widely used for the skin as it is thought to quickly heal skin issues such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, cold sores and blemishes. Other essential oils are used for their anti-septic properties which prevent bacteria build-up that causes infections. Vanilla and Frankincense are proven to have properties that work to prevent further damage to the skin.

This cream is especially effective for use at night as it contains a unique blend of essential oils that I call ‘mood food’. As you can see in the informative product description below, the essential oils used in this cream are known to help balance the emotion, ease stress and tension, and soothe the senses. Perfect to apply before bed! I would describe the aroma as ‘comfortingly floral with a hint of clean citrus’.

This fusion has been created after many months of my research into the aroma therapeutic qualities of essential oils and how they can help us to relax, induce feelings of happiness, calm anxiety and even energise our minds. Those are only a few natural mood enhancements we can enjoy! My range reflects a variety of these mood enhancing qualities and I will be posting more blogs covering my whole range, so please subscribe and get my latest blogs as they are posted.


Here is a review I received yesterday:

“I would like to recommend the geranium and bergamot night cream. It has a beautiful scent and makes your skin feel energised, fresh and healthy. It also gives a healthy balance to my skin which is beginning to need that extra care due to the inevitable aging process. The fact that all this comes naturally and ethically is essential for me.”

~Willa Jamieson


Geranium and Bergamot Moisturiser advertPlease click here to take you to the product page on my Eveksia Website where you can find out more about Geranium & Bergamot Night Cream and purchase a jar directly. Samples of each product are available too- a 15ml Jar for £3 + P&P. Please email me on for details.

Also feel free to browse the rest of my range! Thank you and Bright Blessings~ Serena




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Introducing my new Eveksia Skin Care brand

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~How it all began~

Have you ever really thought how important our skin is? It is the largest organ in the body and performs so many vital roles for our well-being both physically and emotionally. It wasn’t until I became a Vegan that I really started to think about what we absorb through our skin. It’s the same as eating food- we consume through our skin pores. What we apply, rub or massage in directly enters our bloodstream. When knowledge is gained into what the long ingredients lists on jars and bottles mean you realise it’s just a list of chemicals and more chemicals! Alarmingly, skin absorption allows ten times more chemicals to be consumed than in an oral dose, so our daily use of Cleansers, Body Washes, Shampoo and other products could potentially be very dangerous. 

I started by researching natural, organic oils that cleanse and moisturise the skin~ free of such chemicals as Parabens, Phythalates and synthetic fragrances that can cause cancer, irritations and even damage to the immune system. There are so many. Through my passion for Aromatherapy, I decided to then enhance the base carrier oils blend by adding special fusions of Essential Oils for specific skin issues such as eczema, wrinkles, irritations and very tired skin. As well as also smelling yummy, I have created synergies to feed emotions and mood~ those for energising, uplifting and relieving anxiety, as well as for relaxation, mental focus and clear thinking. So the Eveksia collection (‘wellness’ in Greek) is here; a holistic approach to healthy skin & mind. In the shop you will find Cleansers and Moisturisers for a range of skin issues which at the same time allow you to feel empowered and in control of your mood and emotions. 

There are NO Preservatives, Parabens, Animal Ingredients or Synthetic Chemicals in any of my products. I use Organic ingredients and High Grade Essential Oils. It is truly an Alchemy of Love for Humans, Animals and our Planet.

None of the ingredients (or end products) are tested on animals

All ingredients are Vegan 

It is truly an alchemy of love for Humans, Animals and our Planet.

Please visit my Eveksia website to browse and order your skin care and mood food product.

*If you order a sample jar (15ml) you will receive 20% off your order of the full size jar (120ml)

*I will be introducing a recycling scheme whereby sending empties back to me will give you 20% off your next order. We have to respect the environment!



Please take time to answer this quick quezzie

Hi Everyone,

As you know, I am in the process of getting ideas together to develop my little Arts & Crafts business. As my two passions are Arts & Crafts and Natural Healing, I am looking at a fusion of these disciplines to create ‘Healing Arts and Crafts’ that are both functional and beautiful to look at.

To start with, I would like to know what people are using in the world of Alternative Therapies. There are some disciplines here that I would like to work with, but I am open to others that are not on the list.

I have already created some pieces using Crystals, Aromatherapy, Colour therapy, Ancient symbols & Wicca and Angel Healing but obviously I need to gauge what’s popular out there so I can focus on fusing the right disciplines with my Art. Win-win for me as a business and the customer for their Holistic and Spiritual needs in life!

Thank you for clicking!


Calling kindred spirits…

Reiki written in Shinjitai Japanese.

Reiki written in Shinjitai Japanese. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Aromatic candle

Aromatic candle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am in the process of doing a lot of research into a variety of subjects around Natural Therapies, Holistic Treatments and the use of Amulets and Talismans.

I am fascinated by fusing these ancient practices with my art and craft making, to create pieces with meaning and real healing properties. Not just pretty pictures or cards to put on the mantel. Pieces that use colour to uplift your mood or aromas to relax your body of stress. Jewellery that works with the body and mind to offer protection,  encourage creativity or aid a restful night.

I want to get back to the connection we once had with Nature and all that Mother Earth offers and at the same time show gratitude for this by using environmentally friendly materials and recycled metals.

I have already written pages on the subjects of Angels, Goddesses and Spirit Guides and Colour Therapy. There will always be more to add, but so far I have researched the basics. Please use the following links to see these pages:

The following pages are yet to be started. I have pieces for sale already such as healing jewellery using Crystals, and textile pieces using Aromatherapy to aid relaxation and alleviate insomnia.

  • Crystals & Chakras
  • Aromatherapy
  • Talismans & Amulets
  • Reiki
So here is my suggestion. I am wondering if people with expertise, skills, knowledge or fascination with any of the above subjects, would like to contribute to my site. I am not an expert in any of these subjects, so it would be great to work with anyone who is! It will benefit all of us as my site gets around 100 visits a day on average, so your work would be out there for people to see. I would of  course, link anything anyone did on my site, BACK TO THEIR WEBSITE OR BLOG. It would be win-win!
Please contact me here as a comment or email me on if you are interested!
Waiting with excitement!
Blessings and Light
~xx S xx~
Amulets and talismans

Amulets and talismans (Photo credit: Nathaniel_U)